In its 15th year, Midleton Food and Drink Festival 2017 is building on a strong foundation. Events will run from 4th to 10th September with the family favorite Street Festival on Saturday 9th September.
In the 15 years since it was conceived, the festival has continued to evolve and its attendance has grown year on year. The rebranding of the festival this year will strengthen its identity and ensure Feast receives regional and national promotion. The addition of a number of fringe events in the east cork area leading up to and on the market day will widen the catchment of the festival by including the surrounding areas. This will result in the growth of the festival beyond its traditional focal point of the town of Midleton. This addition is cemented by the festival’s rebranding as Feast-East Cork Food & Drink Festival.
The East Cork region has a deeply embedded culture of food and drink production from beef to barley and pork to prawns. Its history tells a story of struggles and triumphs where food and drink producers have been taken for granted and undervalued. Thankfully that is no longer the case so come join us in celebrating their labours.
Awareness of the importance of our local food and drink producers and pride in what they bring to the region has never been higher. East Cork is home to masters of the culinary arts, transforming the local produce into dishes to savour. Sometimes the art is in the simplicity, other times through intricacy and patience.
The Midleton Food and Drink Festival 2017 is held at a traditional time of celebration following harvest. It is a gathering up of all that is good in food and drink in the region, allowing consumers to interact with producers.